Silverman Brings More Than 20 Years of Experience Developing Strategic Partnerships and Creating Revenue Opportunities
by david
Frito Lay just launched a brand new program to get people using their products in a whole new way - by scanning the bag! All you need to do is pick up a current bag of Lay's Original, Sunchips, or Tostito's Scoops, open up the ScanLife app, and scan the UPC code right on the back of the package.
by david
Every quarter we publish data showing the significant growth in mobile barcode scanning. This edition is a little different as we are now sharing some hard numbers that really show what we see every day. Information like how frequently consumers are actually doing this, what are they scanning, and how many marketers are really publishing codes.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification