Scanbuy Official Blog: 2012/04

Learn more about the latest mobile marketing and trends for big data technology in the retail industry.

The QR Beauty and Brains

by david

QR Codes are great for many reasons when executed well, but let's face it, they are not the prettiest things in the world.  To many, they look like a game of Space Invaders or some kind of bizarre maze. So here at ScanLife, we carried out a survey to find out more on the topic. Of the 213 respondents that had scanned a QR code, 47% said that they would be more likely to scan a colored QR code, 43% felt it wouldn’t make any difference, and only 10% would rather stick to the classic…

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QR codes for London commuters

by david

For those of us who live in London, and have the dubious pleasure of using public transport daily, QR codes are becoming part of the landscape. We see them in the daily newspapers, on billboards, advertisements, etc. To the surprise of many, including your humble correspondent, marketers seem undeterred by the complete lack of wi-fi or 3G network in the underground. This led us here at Scanbuy to wonder, and assess, how successful these QR codes could be. Over the last 12 months, we’ve…

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Recent News

Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy

Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification

Neutronian launches Data Privacy Scoring of over 3,000 publishers, brands, ad platforms, retailers, and data providers


Learn about Scanbuy's passion for consumer engagement

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