by david
When assessing the current landscape of QR Codes, several pieces of research caught our attention: Let's begin with a study from Google and Ipsos OTX MediaCT titled “Our Mobile Planet: Global Smartphone Users" (Feb 2012). Six thousand individuals across the US, UK, France, Germany, Spain and Japan were polled in the course of 2011. The first result that struck us was the speed at which smartphone penetration is increasing: from January 2011 to October 2011 smartphone penetration…
by david
The latter half of 2011 was highlighted by a series of mobile-commerce experiments using QR codes. The goal was to understand the changing nature of shopping, driven by shoppers' adoption of mobile technology. These initiatives sent a shockwave through the retail industry and mobile commerce quickly made the jump from fiction to reality. Today, mobile shopping is rapidly becoming a legitimate part of an integrated, multi-channel retail strategy. In fact, the scale and frequency of these…
Leading Developer of Digital Retail Media Programs to Provide Brands with ScanLife-Powered Mobile Barcode Solutions
by david
Not too long ago, we selected our top QR Code Campaigns for 2011, a collection that featured some very inspired and creative work. With 2012 well on its way, it seems marketers are growing even more skilled and ambitious in their QR efforts. So if you're among the 86% of marketers planning to use QR codes, here's a selection of the best campaigns in 2012 to some extra inspiration. Company: SAS Industry: Tourism Scandinavian Airlines launched a promotion that required two mobile…
by david
SXSW kicked off this week and ScanLife is going to help you fill up on Twitter Followers with your very own QR Code. With the help of Taco Bell and Viafo, we will be hosting the ScanSocial Game.
by david
Year after year, SXSW has proven to be a go to destination for the latest innovations in film, music and technology. The annual media event showcases the brightest minds in up-and-coming technology along with special networking events and programs. At ScanLife, we believe that mobile barcode technology is now the next big thing, enabling brands to engage with consumers in dynamic and measurable ways. Therefore, we're proud to announce that we'll be exhibiting at SXSW next week to…
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification