by david
2D barcodes have been hot in Spain as both Telefonica and Vodafone are pre-loading the ScanLife app on new phones (locally known as BIDI). Below are a couple new campaigns using the service, one from Volksawgen and another from the Yellow Pages.
by david
Take a look at this new TV commercial from Claro Chile which is introducing their new 2D barcode service called Codigo Claro. As you will see, it very clearly shows how a simple 2D code (EZcode) can unlock a ton of great information and content - from anywhere... It is great to see a major mobile operator educting the public about 2D barcode technology. A lot more activity is developing in Chile, and codes will soon be used all over Santiago. More to come...
by david
Scanbuy and NeoMedia announced a cross licensing deal today which we hope will move the mobile barcode space to new heights in the United States.
by david
You simply include an image on any packaging, and now you have instantly converted the simple package into a clickable, digital link - right from the phone.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification