by david
The mobile barcode space is moving very quickly, and it's exciting to see marketers and users embrace the technology. Ads are popping up right and left with QR codes, many of them powered by ScanLife. But, with growth comes growing pains which we try to help our users avoid. One feature our system offers is the ability to change the code content whenever you want. So if you have to print the code before your website is ready, you just log in, edit and everything is updated. …
by david
When we launched ScanLife in Beta in 2008, it was a time when "Droid" was just something from a sci-fi movie and camera phones were meant for throwaway snapshots. To say things have changes is an understatement.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification