MediaPost – Amazon Holiday Shopping By Mobile Nears 60%, December 29, 2014
Amazon had a big mobile holiday shopping season. Releasing a detailed tally of post-holiday shopping stats, Amazon said the majority, as in nearly 60% of all customers, shopped using a mobile device.
USA TODAY – Antonoff: Desktop-To-Mobile Shift Alters Shopping, December 17, 2014
All indications are that 2014 is shaping up to be the first holiday season in which more online shoppers are using their smartphones and tablets to research and buy gifts than using a home or office computer.
by Erick Solis
Official Rules for our Holiday Scratch and Win Sweepstakes
WhatTheyThink – Ho, Ho, Ho… Mobile Barcodes On The Go!, December 4, 2014
The expansion of digital media consumption has left marketers with a plethora of options for reaching consumers this holiday season. – What And Why We Scan, December 3, 2014
Now that the hype around scanning QR and UPC codes has fallen from the mainstream media it is time to take a closer look at the reasons and impact behind each scan done today.
by maryann
With the ScanLife app, an engagement is no accident. Engagement is action. It’s when a customer makes a move, such as choosing a product, asking a question, launching an app or retrieving a coupon. With ScanLife, engagements are unique, because they’re based on purpose-driven, two-way conversations. Millions of consumers use the ScanLife app to match them with the products and services that interest them most. They don’t stumble upon an offer or accidentally click a banner ad while…
Mobile Marketer – Karo Syrup, Fisher Nuts leverage QR codes for holiday cross-promotion, December 2, 2014
Karo Syrup and Fisher Nuts are teaming up for the third consecutive year for a strategic marketing partnership with plans to leverage QR codes to raise brand awareness and entice holiday shoppers.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification