by david
It all started in Seoul, South Korea, in July 2011. Tesco (branded Home Plus in South Korea) sought a way to increase its market share without increasing the number of stores. This led to the idea of virtual stores. Products images were displayed in a subway station in Seoul, with QR codes allowing commuters to scan and add the items to a virtual shopping basket, checkout and pay. Products were then delivered when they got home. The concept won numerous marketing awards and drew a lot of…
by david
Scan the QR Code to Help us Give to City Harvest Note on how this code works: The code above uses ScanLife "Smartcode" technology which uses real time data to dynamically update the content you see. In this case, our system calculates the number of Total Scans on this code which is then formulated into the giving amount. We only count hits to the page that come through the scan of a barcode whether it comes from our app or any other. We have already made a $500 donation, and now…
by david
This week, Microsoft Tag made their decision to enter the world of open standards - almost 3 years after their product was launched. We applaud this decision, and only wish they saw the light sooner. In that time, consumers and publishers have been unnecessarily confused by a closed code format which only works with a single app. We believe more open QR Codes will only mean more value to both end users and the businesses that use them to connect the physical world.
by david
We want YOU to design the next custom Scanner Theme and be seen by millions of ScanLife users around the globe.
by david
Black Friday to Christmas is always the busiest time for retailers, and it is for us also! Now that the dust has settled (a bit) from the opening party (AKA Black Friday, and now "Cyberweek"), we wanted to share some interesting stats.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification