
Learn more about the latest mobile marketing and trends for big data technology in the retail industry.

Millennials Demand Transparency - Connect with QR Codes

by Annie M

Millennials spend $600 billion each year in the US alone. This number is expected to reach $1.4 trillion by the year 2020 and will account for nearly 30 percent of total retail sales. These spending habits should classify millennials as a target demographic for retail marketers. Growing up in the digital age, millennials are accustomed to having a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. As a result, they demand much more from the brands they support. While 46% of consumers admit to using…

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Four Keys to a Successful SmartLabel™ Implementation

by Erick Solis

SmartLabel™ was intelligently crafted to respond to consumer’s soaring demand for product transparency. Led by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and Food Marketing Institute, SmartLabel™ is an initiative that has already won the support of some of the world’s largest grocery groups including Hershey’s, General Mills, and many others. SmartLabel™ enabled products are quickly flooding supermarket shelves, with more than 30,000 products expected to be available by 2017. A…

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ScanLife mPackaging for SmartLabel™ Helps Brands Deliver the Transparency Consumers Deserve

by maryann

Imagine putting on a blindfold as soon as you head into the grocery store to do some shopping. In essence, consumers have been doing that for years, blindly putting products into their shopping carts with limited availability to significant details such as nutritional values, allergens, precautions and usage guidelines. Today, with smartphones in hand and a world of knowledge at their fingertips, consumers are demanding more. ScanLife mPackaging for SmartLabel™ makes it easy for brands to…

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Consumer Behavior & Preferences Infographic 2016

by Erick Solis

The ScanLife 2016 Consumer Behavior & Preferences Infographic has arrived! We surveyed more than 19K ScanLife mobile app users to learn more about their mobile shopping behaviors. Our findings reveal valuable data that can be used by marketers and brand managers to better understand consumers and develop winning mobile strategies. Over 19K people responded to the survey which was administered in October of 2015 for a 30 day period. Some of the key takeaways include: A great majority…

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ScanLife Q3 Mobile Trend Report

by Erick Solis

We've released our latest Mobile Trend Report analyzing engagements that took place in Q3 of 2015. Through 23 million mobile consumer engagements, we were able to deliver insights on who was shopping, what they were shopping for, and where they were shopping. Consumers proved to be increasingly interested in accessing information from mobile devices as we hit a record 5 engagements per user. Engagements were the highest in the United States, followed by Spain, France, Mexico, and…

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The QR Code is Dead…. Long Live the QR Code!

by chaioutmezguine

Very rarely has a mobile marketing trigger received so much bad press and unchained so much passion as the QR Code. Some find it ugly beyond repair, others think its usefulness is obsolete—a technology of the past. So called experts ponder philosophical questions such as “Why QR Codes suck so much?”, or take the unbiased view that QR Codes “instantly ruin almost anything they're placed on.” Never in the history of cyber-bullying has a spotty square been so derided. And yet it…

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Don’t Let Your Mobile Marketing Campaigns Scare Consumers Away:  The Do’s & Don’ts of Mobile Marketing

by Irene George

The holiday season is quickly approaching and Halloween is the start of it! “49% of marketers plan to launch their Christmas campaigns before Halloween,” according to HubSpot Marketing. In addition, “3 out of 5 retailers dedicate 20% of their total marketing budgets to online marketing just for the holidays.” These are some powerful stats! Mobile marketing has never been a more important element to growing brand awareness and keeping consumers engaged—especially with the…

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Ad Blocking – It Is About Time To Rethink Mobile Marketing

by chaioutmezguine

The announcement last month by Apple to authorize the ad blocking application was greeted with dismay and disbelief in some quarters of Madison Avenue. However, no one can argue that it came as a surprise.  For years one of the best kept secrets in the industry was that despite billions of dollars spent on banner ads, the vast majority of those ads were ineffective, leading to lower than expected customer engagement. When they do generate clicks, it’s mostly attributed to ad-fraud, where…

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The Standardization of the Digital Coupon… About Time!

by sergiof

The first thing that we need to clarify is what we mean by a digital coupon. Although it might be obvious, here is GS1’s definition: “A digital coupon is a coupon that goes through the entire coupon process (establishment and communication, presentation, validation, and redemption) without the requirement of manifesting itself as paper.” At the start of 2012, GS1-AECOC launched their first White Paper about how a digital coupon should be generated in a standard format so they can be…

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Stay Cool and Save on Back-to-School

by Erick Solis

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), average annual back-to-school spending has grown 42% over the last 10 years. This year, total spending for K-12 and college is expected to reach $68 billion in the United States topping every other retail holiday except the winter holidays. While this is a huge business opportunity for retailers, consumers have an opportunity of their own to save on all their purchases. Whether it involves couponing, price comparison, cash back, or other…

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Recent News

Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy

Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification

Neutronian launches Data Privacy Scoring of over 3,000 publishers, brands, ad platforms, retailers, and data providers


Learn about Scanbuy's passion for consumer engagement

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