“A digital coupon is a coupon that goes through the entire coupon process (establishment and communication, presentation, validation, and redemption) without the requirement of manifesting itself as paper.”
At the start of 2012, GS1-AECOC launched their first White Paper about how a digital coupon should be generated in a standard format so they can be recognized by all players in the market; and in January 2015, GS1 and GSMA launched recommendations about the relationships between retailers, brands, and coupon generators for the distribution and massive acceptance of digital coupons based on GS1 standards. To illustrate, here is an example: imagine that you find a digital coupon published on the internet and you decide to head to your local supermarket. Even if the establishment did not generate the coupon, the supermarket should be able to detect whether the coupon is still valid or was used previously. Using the internet, the establishment should connect with the coupon generator and reach a conclusion. Ok great, now how is the coupon surrendered? How does the validation process for the coupon occur? What is the connection between the two parts? Until now, the main problem with creating coupons in supermarkets has been the POS’s hardware. Every time a new couponing platform appeared, the hardware of the POS also had to change to be able to read the coupon and identify the user of the coupon, a costly expense that the retailer would have to incur. The solution to this lies in Cloud Services. Cloud services, permit access to a virtual wallet, at any time and any place as long as the internet is accessible. This enables users to have their coupons stored and ready to be redeemed at the point of sale. With cloud services, two things need to happen in order to make this effective. On one end, an integration of the POS's software with the service and on the other end, the need for the user to identify himself/herself at the POS in order for the virtual wallet to understand where to send these coupons. This can be done in various ways. A loyalty card issued by the retailer (which is the most obvious), but also with a QR Code on the POS, a user identification number, or with NFC.Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
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