
Learn more about the latest mobile marketing and trends for big data technology in the retail industry.

Shelf Talkers and QR Codes: Designed To Capture Shoppers’ Attention

by Erika Vasquez

We consider grocery shopping the best time for CPG brands to connect with consumers. When it’s time to go grocery shopping, most consumers’ purchase decision comes from a mix of what’s available in store, and what’s on their shopping list. If consumers are unsure (or first-time buyers of a product,) the first thing they do is scan the aisle looking at product packing and promotions. From there, consumers pick up products and study ingredients. However, most consumers tend to go for…

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Enhancing the Reader Experience with QR Codes

by Erick Solis

In the pre-technology era, readers flipped through books with the obvious limitations set forth by print media. While the printed content was at times engaging, it was only possible to use imagination to transcend beyond the words printed on the page. But the advancements of the modern world are changing this. Today, publishers are pushing the boundaries of print by leveraging smartphone technology to enhance the reading experience. With the print industry struggling to maintain relevancy in…

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Consumer Behavior & Preferences Infographic 2016

by Erick Solis

The ScanLife 2016 Consumer Behavior & Preferences Infographic has arrived! We surveyed more than 19K ScanLife mobile app users to learn more about their mobile shopping behaviors. Our findings reveal valuable data that can be used by marketers and brand managers to better understand consumers and develop winning mobile strategies. Over 19K people responded to the survey which was administered in October of 2015 for a 30 day period. Some of the key takeaways include: A great majority…

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The QR Code is Dead…. Long Live the QR Code!

by chaioutmezguine

Very rarely has a mobile marketing trigger received so much bad press and unchained so much passion as the QR Code. Some find it ugly beyond repair, others think its usefulness is obsolete—a technology of the past. So called experts ponder philosophical questions such as “Why QR Codes suck so much?”, or take the unbiased view that QR Codes “instantly ruin almost anything they're placed on.” Never in the history of cyber-bullying has a spotty square been so derided. And yet it…

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When it Comes to QR Codes, Quick is Only the Beginning

by maryann

QR Codes have been around for a while now, but their value continues to resonate, and with good reason. It’s all about the QR. So what is QR anyway? QR stands for Quick Response: the prompt way codes react when consumers wave smartphones at them. Living up to their name, they dutifully respond in an instant. But what does Quick Response really mean? That depends on your perspective. For consumers, the value is time. There are never enough minutes in the day, and QR Codes give some back to…

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Stay Cool and Save on Back-to-School

by Erick Solis

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), average annual back-to-school spending has grown 42% over the last 10 years. This year, total spending for K-12 and college is expected to reach $68 billion in the United States topping every other retail holiday except the winter holidays. While this is a huge business opportunity for retailers, consumers have an opportunity of their own to save on all their purchases. Whether it involves couponing, price comparison, cash back, or other…

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QR Codes Utilized In Diverse Industries

by Irene George

In today’s world, technological advancements have allowed us to access information faster and in a more convenient manner than ever before. With 43% of the global population using smartphones, and that number projected to surpass 2 billion in the year 2016, there is no doubt that mobile has played a pivotal role in this transformation. On an everyday basis consumers connect to the digital world through their devices in a variety of different ways. One of these ways is through QR codes which…

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Manage the Surprises You Deliver to Consumers

by maryann

Mobile engagement has become one of the most effective ways to create relevant, long-term connections with customers. Every day, brands, agencies and marketers deploy mobile triggers to inform, entertain—and even surprise their customers. Yet, unless their mobile relationship strategies are driven by a managed platform, they could be delivering the wrong kind of surprises. Case in point: A Heinz customer recently received the surprise of his life when he innocently scanned a QR Code for a…

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Big Data Is A Big Deal When It Comes To Targeting Mobile Consumers

by chuckennis

Today’s shopper is more empowered – mobile, connected, and informed – than ever before.  Digital marketers are simultaneously emboldened by and queasy about the increasing leverage wielded by today’s shopping consumer.  With both progressive change (on-line research, social sentiment, mobile search) and disruptive change (real-time price comparison, couponing, conquesting) to deal with, marketers can’t help but feel less in control than desired these days. The reality is that…

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Tipping Point: Desktop to Mobile

by Chatay Sayin

It finally happened. The tipping point for Internet usage shifted from desktop to mobile in 2014 for the first time in US history. More than half of Internet traffic for giants like Facebook, Google, ESPN and many more came from mobile devices. This trend is bound to continue with the adaptation and accessibility of mobile devices. With the average consumer’s attention shifting from desktop to mobile, advertisers have to recalibrate their marketing strategies to not just include a mobile…

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Recent News

Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy

Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification

Neutronian launches Data Privacy Scoring of over 3,000 publishers, brands, ad platforms, retailers, and data providers


Learn about Scanbuy's passion for consumer engagement

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