Compelo – Gladson introduces SmartLabel product data transparency solution, August 7, 2018
US-based Gladson introduced new solution, dubbed SmartLabel, to help brands and retailers address consumer demand for product transparency. As part of its approach, Gladson has partnered with Scanbuy, a provider of SmartLabel QR codes, to provide Gladson clients with access to a complete end-to-end SmartLabel solution.
Food Ingredients First – Survey says consumers want more details on grocery packaging: Is SmartLabel the answer?, June 13, 2018
More than 7 in 10 shoppers want to find out more about the grocery products they buy than they are currently able to get with traditional on-package labels, according to a new national survey. Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and Food Marketing Institute (FMI) have launched a joint marketing campaign for the SmartLabel program.
PSFK – SmartLabel Gives Consumers Easy Access To Food Product Details, June 13, 2018
SmartLabel is the new quick-and-easy way to find out everything you need to know about the food you’re buying. With the use of SmartLabel and the simple mobile scan of a QR code, consumers can find out what allergens the product contains, its environmental impact, production methods, animal welfare and more.
The Shelby Report – Survey: Shoppers Want More Information Than Product Labels Provide, June 12, 2018
More than seven in 10 shoppers want to find out more about the grocery products they buy than they are currently able to get with traditional on-package labels. These survey findings underscore the importance of SmartLabel, a new digital tool that gives consumers access to detailed information about the products they use and consume. Nearly 28,000 food, beverage, personal care, household and other products throughout food retail stores now are using SmartLabel.
Baking Business – Transparency a top theme at Future Food-Tech conference, March 27, 2018
While many emerging innovations may transform the future of food, such technologies must be communicated to consumers early and often.
Food Dive – Study: One-third of young adults frequently check Nutrition Facts panel, February 26, 2018
Some experts claim that putting all the information consumers say they want on product labels would make them impossibly cluttered. That's one reason why manufacturers and trade groups have advocated for electronic methods of conveying nutrition information via QR codes, smart phones and online searches.
Modern Wellness Guide – Why Food Date Labelling Has an Important Role to Play in Cutting Food Waste, December 31, 2017
Food waste is a huge problem facing the world right now. What can the industry to tackle the issue?
Rachel Ray Show – These 2 Genius Apps Will Help You Save Money While Christmas Shopping, November 10, 2017
'Tis the season of giving! But if you don't watch yourself, you might find yourself giving a little too much.
Okanagan Specialty Fruits – Arctic® Goldens feature SmartLabel™ QR code, November 9, 2017
One of the most difficult decisions our team at Okanagan Specialty Fruits™ has had to make when introducing Arctic® apples into the market has been “how can we best communicate with consumers about the science and benefits behind our nonbrowning apples?”
Global Retail Brands – How to Fully Optimize the SmartLabel™ Opportunity, November 9, 2017
SmartLabel™ is a first of its kind product transparency initiative that enables consumers to get easy and instantaneous access to detailed information about the products they consume.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification