Scanbuy Official Blog

Learn more about the latest mobile marketing and trends for big data technology in the retail industry.

Paving a New Road for Mobile Engagement

by david
You’ve been down this road before. Static QR Codes that link to dead-end PC sites can be just like driving your car in unknown territory without a GPS.  Scanbuy is changing all that with a new suite of cutting-edge services, allowing you to build and analyze relevant mobile engagement campaigns that your customers will navigate with ease. We created our first platform in 2007, so, after years of experience, we knew that just making things easier to use wasn't enough.  Our team rebuilt the entire ScanLife platform with a more modern framework and design that will change the mobile engagement landscape and ultimately improve the quality of a consumer’s desired destination. In recent years, one of the biggest problems with mobile marketing has been the unreliable value of mobile content.  Half the time, marketers were linking to sites built for PCs because there wasn't sufficient traffic to justify mobile-dedicated sites.  The other half delivered mobile experiences that were not specific to the campaign’s context because it was too time-consuming and tedious to create variations. Today, the world is processing over a billion hits a year from QR Codes alone, so customers expect compelling content regardless of what drives them to a mobile campaign.  Meeting that expectation is now easy, with Mobile Site Builder from ScanLife, a tool that lets anyone (yes, even your sales guy) create meaningful mobile sites in a matter of minutes. Choose from up to 40 templates, and just drag and drop to add your own content. Watch the video now to see it in action.
But there's even more. Now that we’ve made it easier to create your campaigns and mobile content, the final piece is giving you greater access to insights about your traffic.  Viewing the number of visits or clicks is nice (and better than what you’d get from most platforms), but our mVision Insights dashboard gives you a clearer view. You’ll see how customers are engaging with everything from products to store displays and mobile banner ads. In fact, mVision delivers over 20 different reports that dig into the details about customer characteristics, trends, and loyalty behaviors, demonstrating the real value of mobile engagement. So, welcome to our shiny new platform. It’s a tool that builds mobile sites in minutes, with a one-of-a-kind analytics dashboard for extraordinary navigation capabilities.  Now it’s your turn to go out and conquer the world of mobile engagement by click, scan or tap. And leave those old static QR Codes of 2009 in the dust!  

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