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Social Media Day Roundup

by Ben B.
The fifth annual Social Media Day took place yesterday, and what a day it was! Social Media’s widespread popularity has not only become one with how individuals communicate with each other globally, but a critical marketing tool that is a must in any industry.  From Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to Google+ and Pinterest, to the countless other Social Media tools we are hooked! And as expected, several websites released content surrounding these outlets. Check out our handpicked favorites below: Business 2 Community collected 10 surprising and important Social Media stats every marketer needs to know. Highlights include:
  • 58% of marketers claim written content is their most important form of social content, despite the notion that visuals dominate the current Social Media scene.
  • Fridays are the optimal day of the week for Facebook engagement, after the Social Intelligence Report from Adobe analyzed over 225 billion Facebook posts from the last two years.
See the rest of Business 2 Community’s findings here. Mashable created a nifty video guide of how people are using Social Media in 2014. After surveying their own audience, here’s what they found:
  • In asking “which social network could you NOT live without?” Facebook came in first with 43% with Twitter a distant second at 21%.
  • More than 77% of respondents are now using 2-5 social networks every week.
Watch the video now to learn more.

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The Drum asked a few experts from solutions like HootSuite and SocialBro on what NOT to do in the world of Social Media.
  • “Don’t be afraid of letting personalities come through and remember customer experience should always be top of mind.” – Merinda Peppard, EMEA Marketing Director, HootSuite.
  • “Don’t treat Twitter like some kind of soft channel that is disconnected from the rest of your marketing activity. Marketing is a fluid discipline, and your audience may fade out from one channel and then be more prominent on another.” – Javier Buron, CEO and co-founder, SocialBro.
Read what other social specialists had to say here. NDTV Good Times offered a humorous take on what life would be like without Social Media. Some of our favorites include:
  • Waiting for subways, waiting through commercials, waiting for food and just waiting in general would seem like eternity without a your social media right in front of you. Could you imagine the horror!?
  • If you eat a meal without first instagramming it, did that meal even exist? Just envision a world where no one see could “like” or “share” any of the delicious brunches you’ve had. Oh the humanity!
Have a look at the rest of their list here. When using social media for business, first make sure you’re signed up, then make sure you know your audience, and you know what you’re objective is – whether its awareness, engagement, leads, purchases or even traffic. How is your brand connecting with it’s audience via social media? Which outlets do you use most often and how do you use them? Let us know in the comments!

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