by david
This week, Microsoft Tag made their decision to enter the world of open standards - almost 3 years after their product was launched. We applaud this decision, and only wish they saw the light sooner. In that time, consumers and publishers have been unnecessarily confused by a closed code format which only works with a single app. We believe more open QR Codes will only mean more value to both end users and the businesses that use them to connect the physical world.
by david
We’re thrilled to announce the release of the ScanLife Mobile Barcode Trend Report for Q3 2011. This edition marks the one year anniversary of the inaugural report, so we have focused on how far mobile barcodes have come in the past 12 months.
by david
Every quarter we publish data showing the significant growth in mobile barcode scanning. This edition is a little different as we are now sharing some hard numbers that really show what we see every day. Information like how frequently consumers are actually doing this, what are they scanning, and how many marketers are really publishing codes.
by david
Due to the enormous growth of mobile barcode technology, thousands of marketers are turning to QR codes to engage with their audience. While great news, we’ve found that many codes are providing a poor user experience simply because the codes were published incorrectly. Some codes are not scanning at all, making them useless and discouraging to potential customers.
by david
ScanLife has just released it's third edition of the Mobile Barcode Trend Report which looks at data and analysis from UPC and 2D barcode scanning aggregated across 30 countries around the world.
by david
We wanted to keep a running list here of helpful reports on this topic.
by david
It's been pretty busy here at ScanLife, so we wanted to share some of what we see every day by publishing our first ScanLife Mobile Barcode Trend Report. The report shows the aggressive growth of scanning traffic - up over 700% in 2010!
by david
Mobile Marketer has a good post on a study from the Audit Bureau of Circulations which covers how the publishing industry is embracing the mobile device.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification