Food Navigator USA – 80% Of Packaged Groceries Will Feature SmartLabel Within Five Years, Predicts GMA, December 2, 2015
Within five years, four out of five food, beverage, pet care, personal care and household products will feature a SmartLabel – a QR code shoppers can scan with their phones instore, or access later via a tablet or desktop computer – the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) has predicted
FoodDIVE – GMA SmartLabel Initiative Estimated To Reach 30,000 Products By Late 2017, December 2, 2015
The intiative extends beyond food and beverage products, including pet care, personal care, and household items. It's estimated that more than 80% of these products will have SmartLabel within five years.
Fortune – Food Giants Announce New Labeling Initiative, December 2, 2015
Some of the largest food manufacturers and grocers announced today an initiative to provide consumers with “instantaneous access” to detailed information on thousands of products through their smart phones.
Boston Herald – Shopping Apps Offer An Edge, November 27, 2015
Now that the holiday shopping season has officially kicked off, arm yourself with the best iOS and Android apps to compare prices, find deals and get great ideas.
WTNH-TV – 8 Free Shopping Apps To Ease Holiday Stress, November 25, 2015
Thanksgiving can be stressful — and we’re not just talking about having all of your family over, we’re talking about shopping. Fortunately, there are some new, and free apps that can help.
Huffington Post – How To Get The Best Deals On Tech This Holiday Season, November 24, 2015
When you make your way into a store, make sure your phone is armed with a barcode and QR code scanner app like ScanLife.
WACH – Use This Checklist To Save Money On Black Friday, November 24, 2015
People need to take advantage of the apps that are available on their cell phones. Plenty of money saving apps like ShopAdvisor, BuyVia, Amazon, and ScanLife can help with shopping.
Orlando Sentinel – Black Friday Deals And Shopping Strategy, November 20, 2015
Many retailers have already launched their Black Friday deals in store and online with new items being added as often as every five minutes. There don’t seem to be as many “free gifts” this year as in years past, but savvy shoppers can still get great deals if they plan ahead.
by chaioutmezguine
Very rarely has a mobile marketing trigger received so much bad press and unchained so much passion as the QR Code. Some find it ugly beyond repair, others think its usefulness is obsolete—a technology of the past. So called experts ponder philosophical questions such as “Why QR Codes suck so much?”, or take the unbiased view that QR Codes “instantly ruin almost anything they're placed on.” Never in the history of cyber-bullying has a spotty square been so derided. And yet it…
Confectionery News – Transparency Drive: Hershey First To Adopt GMA’s QR SmartLabel, November 16, 2015
Hershey will be the first company to adopt the Grocery Manufacturers Association's (GMA) SmartLabel program, which allows shoppers to scan on-product QR codes for detailed nutritional information.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification