Scanbuy Official Blog

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Can Your Product Do This?

by david
As you probably know by now, our  ScanLife app has been updated to read regular UPC barcodes on packaging for some of the newer smartphones like iPhone 3GS and DROID.  Once you scan something like a DVD or a digital camera,   the app will show price comparisons and consumer reviews for that specific product (see video).  This is a pretty awesome feature to have, and we have been seeing hundreds of thousands of scans from those codes in the past couple months - so keep it up!
BUT, almost 80% of all products are not sold through online retailers like Amazon.  So people that scan a box of cereal or a bottle of Aspirin probably won't see relevant information - and those categories have been a large number of scans for us.
So, last week ScanLife announced a brand new product that will revolutionize how brands deliver information right from their most important asset - the package.  ScanLife Packaging Connect allows any product to register their existing barcodes to link to any content they choose.
Here's a demo video with a bag of Nestle Chocolate Chips.  Just imagine using this when you are either in the store, or even when you're already home:
This is a win-win for both the consumer and the product marketer - but the marketer has to use it to provide valuable content, not just more advertising.  That could include:
  • Videos with instructions on how to assemble a product
  • List of recipes that change every week (or maybe based on the time of day)
  • Allergens that the product contains
  • Health tips on how to prevent related ailments
  • A list of other products that go with this one
  • Coupon offers
  • Links to social network feeds
  • Etc, etc,...
Why is this exciting for marketers?
  • These codes are everywhere, and we are seeing thousands of people scanning them every day either from the store, or in their home.
  • Set up time is minimal, and you really don't have to make any changes to existing artwork.
  • You can do anything you want after the scan (see above list)
DROID by Motorola and Function Drinks have already registered their products to go to their own sites.  Here are a couple screen shots: Two of the largest packaging printers in the world will be selling this new feature to their customers.  Both Graphics Packaging International and Shorewood Packaging call on customers like Pepsi, General Mills and Miller.  We are also working with Augme Mobile to mobilize your content which you may already have on a PC website. People are scanning these codes every day, so drop us a line to make yours "ScanLife Activated."

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