Avoid “Blind Date Marketing” with ScanLife
by maryann
We’ve all been there. A friend’s brother-in-law’s cousin knows someone who would be perfect for you. She loves lacrosse, owns a ‘66 Mustang, and is not afraid of spiders. It’s a match made in heaven, right?
Trouble is, when you finally agree to meet for dinner, it turns out that—other than those three compelling talking points—you are polar opposites.
Marketing can be like that. You know just enough about the market to be dangerous. Last week, you even downloaded a demographic snapshot from a source that was the research equivalent of that friend’s distant cousin. Then you spent half your budget planning a “first date promotion” designed to impress prospects based on everything you learned from your research “cousin.”
But, if you don’t truly understand the targeted buyers—what motivates them, where they shop, who they are, and when they engage—you can spend a lot of time and money getting your product all dressed up for an expensive blind date that ultimately falls flat.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Mobile engagement marketing provides you with data from every scan, so you can connect with customers, speak their language, and exceed their expectations.
In fact, here’s how easy it is to turn those hard-to-get prospects into steady dates that become customers for life:
- Guide customers to your product or service when their interest is highest. For example, The Home Depot deployed hundreds of codes on newspaper circulars, in-store signs, and event kiosks. Each code linked to product-related content based on a customer’s scan, offering video demos, useful tips, and “buy it now options.”

- Give your packages a voice. Hewlett-Packard used codes extensively on its consumer printer line around the world. During one busy Thanksgiving weekend, scan traffic increased by a staggering 500%.
- Drive traffic to your app, as Coca-Cola did with their Snowball Effect campaign. QR Codes placed on cups and in 7-Eleven locations around the US led to tens of thousands of downloads of Coke’s mobile app.

- Adjust promotions mid-stream to maximize effectiveness based on real-time data, without incurring expensive rework charges.
Every day, millions of people are using the free
ScanLife app to maximize time, avoid hassles, and save money. To learn more about how you can develop meaningful customer connections with ScanLife’s Mobile Engagement Platform, please contact our team at sales@scanlife.com.
So, forget about those blind dates and create long-term customer relationships with ScanLife. And be sure to tell your friend’s brother-in-law’s cousin about it, too.
She’ll be glad you did.