How to Deliver Coupons in the Digital Age
by Erika P Vasquez
When was the last time you used your mobile device to make a shopping decision? According to a survey from CFI Group and shared by eMarketer, 41% of Internet users—or 67% of millennials—actively access mobile apps when they’re in the market for products and services. Don’t underestimate the power of this valuable new tool that has emerged on the shopping scene. A small investment in time and resources can deliver big rewards when you upgrade your consumers’ mobile shopping experience, in store and/or online.

The latest AdWeek Infographic indicates that, on average, millennials look at their phone 43 times a day. Imagine if just one or two of those 43 glances involved a search for product information while the tech-savvy customers were shopping in-store or on the Internet. Those mobile interactions are your customers’ cue that the door is open for you to lead them down the purchase path. Now, with mobile coupons, your brand can be there when that door opens to guide their decisions.
There are several ways to engage with these interested customers. Promote your brand, announce new features or create birthday coupon surprises. Spark some interest with customers before they even visit the store and then re-enforce the excitement when they walk in. Everyone likes to save money or be the first to know about a hot new product. And when they do, they’re likely to use that same mobile device to share the news with family and friends.
According to an eMarketer survey, 59% of respondents receive coupons while shopping in traditional department stores, while 36% check other retailers’ prices when they’re at the supermarket. Consumers are using their mobile phones to review products, research specifications or score a deal. You can activate the aisle by placing relevant information in your products’ barcodes or by adding a QR Code to show a DIY video, redeem an offer and much more.

Don’t let consumers leave your store or website empty-handed. There are millions of mobile phone users out there who are ready to connect with your brand. We can help you design the right mobile triggers to engage, target and retarget your audience. Just contact us at and you’ll be on your way.