QR Codes Make a Difference in the Health Care Industry
by maryann
When it comes to health care, we all know that prevention, time and accuracy mean a lot. The good news is that QR Codes and other mobile triggers can have a big impact in all three areas. As the world’s largest mobile barcode processing company, Scanbuy is helping health care brands and providers use the technology in creative ways to deliver meaningful benefits. A simple square of coded data can easily capture health records, list allergies, outline medication requirements or provide patient with instructions.
And that’s only the start. There are many other applications for QR Codes and other mobile triggers in the health care industry. In fact, the global mHealth market is expected to reach $23 billion by 2017 as mobile engagement continues to impact processes and communication. Codes can alleviate the time patients spend filling out forms and lingering in waiting rooms, allowing staff to focus more on care and education. Imagine this: patients, guests and staff could scan QR Codes to register at the hospital, access medical facility maps, schedule a lab appointment—or even make their lunch choice from the cafeteria!
Today, 38% of smartphone users in the U.S. report that their phones are essential in getting health and medical information. It’s no surprise that by 2018, half of the world’s 3.4 billion mobile users will download a mobile app. Many health care providers now use barcode technology to educate consumers beyond a simple piece of collateral, delivering information in more relevant and compelling ways, including video tutorials and interactive messages. Best of all, barcodes provide peace of mind for companies and consumers, by incorporating authentication processes that alleviate mistakes and prevent counterfeit medications.
If you’re in the healthcare field, we’d love to share more about how QR Codes could make a difference for your team and for the people you serve. The
ScanLife Platform makes it easy and cost-effective to design a plan that works for you.