Ramon Anibal Ramos- YouTube – La NSA Presenta Scanbuy, March 22, 2016
La Asociacion Nacional de Supermercados celebró una rueda de prensa en la que presentaron nueva manera de comprar con los cupones de alimentos. Vean quienes estuvieron presentes en el debut en NY de "Scanbuy".
Mobile Marketing Watch – NSA, Scanbuy Team Up For Innovative Mobile Couponing Service, March 21, 2016
MMW has learned that the National Supermarket Association (NSA) has teamed with Scanbuy to launch what’s called dCoupon. The mobile couponing service gives manufacturers the ability to create redeemable digital coupons for a whole new audience—the 2 million NSA urban supermarket consumers.
Leonel Fernández – Leonel Fernández Participa En New York En Lanzamiento De Plataforma Para Servicio De Cupones Móviles, March 20, 2016
El expresidente de la República Dominicana, doctor Leonel Fernández, participó como invitado especial en el lanzamiento de “dCoupon”, un novedoso servicio de cupones móviles por parte de la Asociación Nacional de Supermercados (NSA), en esta ciudad de Nueva York.
Listin Diario – LF Participa En Acto De Comerciantes NY, March 19, 2016
El expresidente Leonel Fernández participó como invitado especial en el lanzamiento de “dCoupon”, un novedoso servicio de cupones móviles de la Asociación Nacional de Supermercados (NSA) en esta ciudad de Nueva York.
New Technology will revolutionize shopping for small businesses and consumers alike; 15% of dCoupon Proceeds Will Benefit Community Programs Via NSA Cares
by Erick Solis
Who’s pumped for March Madness?! We sure are, and as we do for other major sporting events, we’re celebrating by giving away free stuff. ScanLife will reward lucky scanners with a variety of awesome gift cards including a $500 H&M gift card, a $100 Macy's gift card, a $50 Bloomingdale's gift card, and a $30 Starbucks gift card. Playing is this easy: 1) Scan the QR Code in the banner above or click on the March Madness Giveaway banner in your ScanLife app 2) From your…
MediaPost – Mobile Brings Deals, Shorter Lines, Better Prices (To Those Who Know), March 16, 2016
Using mobile devices throughout the course of the day gives consumers a distinct edge, if they take advantage of it.
MediaPost – Beacons Man Up For The Internet Of Things, March 6, 2016
Scanbuy, maker of Scanlife, still one of my favorite in-store code scanning apps, partnered with beacon-networking company InMarket to add beacon proximity advertising capability to its product line.
RetailingToday – SmartLabel: Bringing The Future Of Shopping To Consumers, February 26, 2016
Today’s consumer is asking more and more about the food, beverage and consumer products they buy, use and consume. They want to know what is in the product, how to use it and what is in its packaging.
mPackaging is Delivering QR Codes to the First Participating SmartLabel™ Brands Making Trusted Information Readily Available to Consumers
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification