by maryann
Imagine putting on a blindfold as soon as you head into the grocery store to do some shopping. In essence, consumers have been doing that for years, blindly putting products into their shopping carts with limited availability to significant details such as nutritional values, allergens, precautions and usage guidelines. Today, with smartphones in hand and a world of knowledge at their fingertips, consumers are demanding more. ScanLife mPackaging for SmartLabel™ makes it easy for brands to…
by Nick Ponesse
As St. Patrick's Day approaches, ScanLife wants to reward app users with awesome prizes. On St. Patrick's Day (March 17, 2016), we are going to give away prizes to the contest's top scanners. Entering the contest is this easy: 1) Get the latest version of the ScanLife app for iOS or Android. 2) Connect your ScanLife app with your Facebook account by clicking on the icon on the top left corner of your app. 3) Scan as many product barcodes or QR codes as possible until St.…
ZD Net – How The Quiet Rise Of Beacons Has Reshaped Retail Marketing, February 13, 2016
Over the last four years, there's been a technological uprising in the staid world of coupons.
Solution Extends Scanbuy’s Mobile Marketing Suite of Services to engage shoppers at critical moments in the path-to-purchase
Mobile Marketing Association France – POS Mobile Interaction System Guide, February 1, 2016
Despite the explosion of e-commerce, the physical outlet remains a privileged place by consumers in their buying journey: 92 % of retail turnover is made in point sales and 70 % of online visits convert into store visits.
PRNewswire – Location-Based Search And Advertising Market In The US (2016-2020) - Key Vendors Are Foursquare, xAD, Groupon, Scanbuy & Shopkick, February 1, 2016
Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Location-based Search and Advertising Market in the US 2016-2020" report to their offering. The location-based search and advertising market in the U.S. is set to grow at a CAGR of 38.59% during the period 2016-2020.
Stores NRF Magazine – Code Blue? Maybe Not, February 1, 2016
Fueled by a climate of ever-advancing technologies, the hottest digital innovations can be here today and gone tomorrow. But sometimes instead of going away, a digital innovation morphs into something else. That seems to be what is occurring with QR codes.
ITespresso France – Mobile Marketing: Challenges For Digitizing The Point Of Sale?, January 29, 2016
The Mobile Marketing Association France, which has set itself the mission to accelerate the transformation and innovation of marketing through mobile, relied, for the development of this guide on the expertise of its members, as Admoove, ADSP, Atsuke, Fidzup, Scanbuy and Snapp'.
by Erick Solis
The ScanLife 2016 Consumer Behavior & Preferences Infographic has arrived! We surveyed more than 19K ScanLife mobile app users to learn more about their mobile shopping behaviors. Our findings reveal valuable data that can be used by marketers and brand managers to better understand consumers and develop winning mobile strategies. Over 19K people responded to the survey which was administered in October of 2015 for a 30 day period. Some of the key takeaways include: A great majority…
Scanbuy's Consumer Behavior Survey Highlights Increased Influence Of Mobile Devices On In-Store Shopping
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification