The American Genius – Rite Aid Becomes Largest Beacon Installer To Date, January 23, 2016
Rite Aid has recently become the largest beacon installer to date; a pretty impressive feat given the record was previously held by Macy’s. Rite Aid partnered with inMarket, a mobile shopper marketing firm, which also manufacturers their own securitized Bluetooth beacons for iOS and Android to assist in their beacon launch.
Legal Newsline – GMA: ‘More Than 30 Leading U.S. Companies’ Already Committed To New SmartLabel™ Initiative, January 19, 2016
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) has announced new technology that will provide consumers with a tool aimed at helping them make well-informed decisions about products and help manufacturers disclose product information directly to consumers.
Structural Graphics – Death of QR Codes Is Greatly Exaggerated, January 13, 2016
If you’ve “moved on” from QR Codes, you’re abandoning a critical tool for building your business. Let’s look at three facts about QR Codes that every marketer should know.
by Erick Solis
Save, Share, and Win with ScanLife- Extended We're happy to report that the Save, Share, and Win giveaway has been extended through February 2016! How to Enter: 1) Download the latest version of ScanLife or AT&T Code Scanner. 2) While shopping, scan product barcodes with the app to find low prices and save on your purchases. See "How to Save" below for ideas. 3) Share your savings story with us through Facebook or Instagram. Facebook- Like our ScanLife page and…
by Erick Solis
We've released our latest Mobile Trend Report analyzing engagements that took place in Q3 of 2015. Through 23 million mobile consumer engagements, we were able to deliver insights on who was shopping, what they were shopping for, and where they were shopping. Consumers proved to be increasingly interested in accessing information from mobile devices as we hit a record 5 engagements per user. Engagements were the highest in the United States, followed by Spain, France, Mexico, and…
Report shows 23 Million Mobile Engagements, with An Average All time High of 5 Engagements Per User
by Erick Solis
Save, Share, and Win with ScanLife How to Enter: 1) Download the latest version of ScanLife or AT&T Code Scanner. 2) While shopping, scan product barcodes with the app to find low prices and save on your purchases. See "How to Save" below for ideas. 3) Share your savings story with us through Facebook or Instagram. Facebook- Like our ScanLife page and share how much you saved on our wall along with a picture of the product. Instagram- Follow @scanlife_mobile, tag us in…
Food Business News – G.M.A.’s SmartLabel Initiative Seeks To Enhance Transparency, December 3, 2015
The Grocery Manufacturers Association unveiled its SmartLabel platform on Dec. 2 that will provide consumers with access to information about what is in the products they buy. The platform will include web sites, apps, QR codes and other elements to make product research easier for consumers.
The Hill – Grocers Launch GMO Labeling Initiative, December 2, 2015
GMA said more than 30 companies have already agreed to participate in the SmartLabel initiative, which will allow consumers to find detailed product information by scanning a QR code on a food package, using a web search such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, or visiting the company’s website.
Food Processing – Grocery Manufacturers Reveal SmartLabel QR Code, December 2, 2015
The Grocery Manufacturers Assn. (GMA) today (Dec. 2) unveiled SmartLabel, a QR code that can give consumers detailed information about the grocery store products they buy … including, presumably, the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification