Latest Scanbuy Trend Report Reveals Continuing Record Growth in Use of QR, UPC Code and NFC Scans by Mobile Users
Agreement Gives Retailers New Ways to Interact with Shoppers Through Scanbuy’s SmartCode Technology Applied to QR Codes and NFC Technology
Scanbuy to Offer a ‘Stop the Trolls’ Toolkit for Brands Battling Patent Threats
As Licensee of the Microsoft Tag Technology, Scanbuy Will Advance the Technology and Provide the Migration Path forward for existing and new customers who choose to continue using the Microsoft TAG format on the ScanLife platform.
Latest Scanbuy Trend Report Reveals Continued Rapid Growth of QR and UPC Code Scans by Mobile Users; Over 7 Million Scans Processed Consecutively Each Month
More than 100,000 FanFest Attendees Will Have the Chance to Win Prizes By Using their Smartphones to Touch or Scan Giant Topps Baseball Cards
Collaboration Will Bring the ScanLife Mobile Engagement Platform to Leading Technology Providers throughout Russia and Surrounding Region
Latest Scanbuy Trend Report Reveals Continued Rapid Growth of QR and UPC Code Scans by Mobile Users; March 2013 Is Highest Month in Report’s History, Surpassing 6.7 Million Scans.
ShopMart: ScanLife allows users to price compare with ease and share prices with fellow scanners. The app has a live feed that shows prices others have scanned. Works on: Android, Apple, Blackberry, and Windows.
Digital Marketing Agencies Simplify Mobile Campaigns. AT&T now offers enhanced features that make it easier for businesses of all sizes to launch even more consumer relevant and engaging QR Code campaigns with AT&T Mobile Barcode Services powered by Scanbuy.
Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy
Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification