
Learn more about the latest mobile marketing and trends for big data technology in the retail industry.

Don’t Let Your Mobile Marketing Campaigns Scare Consumers Away:  The Do’s & Don’ts of Mobile Marketing

by Irene George

The holiday season is quickly approaching and Halloween is the start of it! “49% of marketers plan to launch their Christmas campaigns before Halloween,” according to HubSpot Marketing. In addition, “3 out of 5 retailers dedicate 20% of their total marketing budgets to online marketing just for the holidays.” These are some powerful stats! Mobile marketing has never been a more important element to growing brand awareness and keeping consumers engaged—especially with the…

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ScanLife 30 Day Contest 2015: How to Play

by Erick Solis

ScanLife 30 Day Contest – How to Play: 1) Download or update to the latest version of ScanLife or AT&T Code Scanner. 2) Open the app. 3) Click on the inbox icon. 4) Click on the contest banner “We’re Giving Away $100 for 30 Days” and answer the question of the day. 5) After submitting, you will be notified instantly whether or not you have won or lost. If you win, submit your email in the field provided. A $100 Amazon Gift Card will be sent to you via email within the next few…

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The Standardization of the Digital Coupon… About Time!

by sergiof

The first thing that we need to clarify is what we mean by a digital coupon. Although it might be obvious, here is GS1’s definition: “A digital coupon is a coupon that goes through the entire coupon process (establishment and communication, presentation, validation, and redemption) without the requirement of manifesting itself as paper.” At the start of 2012, GS1-AECOC launched their first White Paper about how a digital coupon should be generated in a standard format so they can be…

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Stay Cool and Save on Back-to-School

by Erick Solis

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), average annual back-to-school spending has grown 42% over the last 10 years. This year, total spending for K-12 and college is expected to reach $68 billion in the United States topping every other retail holiday except the winter holidays. While this is a huge business opportunity for retailers, consumers have an opportunity of their own to save on all their purchases. Whether it involves couponing, price comparison, cash back, or other…

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Big Data Is A Big Deal When It Comes To Targeting Mobile Consumers

by chuckennis

Today’s shopper is more empowered – mobile, connected, and informed – than ever before.  Digital marketers are simultaneously emboldened by and queasy about the increasing leverage wielded by today’s shopping consumer.  With both progressive change (on-line research, social sentiment, mobile search) and disruptive change (real-time price comparison, couponing, conquesting) to deal with, marketers can’t help but feel less in control than desired these days. The reality is that…

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It’s Here: The ScanLife Mobile Trend Report for Q1

by Erick Solis

The latest edition of the ScanLife Mobile Trend Report is now available! The first quarter was an exciting time for mobile engagement as we processed 22 million engagements from consumers using their devices to enhance their shopping journey. As you see in the Q1 Trend Report, the family budget was a strong driver of engagement last quarter with value shopping coming in as the top area of interest from both iOS and Android users. Consumers from all over the world counted on their devices to…

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Why Mobile Couponing Explosion is for Real

by Agustin

Currently digital coupons are still very small and represent less than 3% of all coupons redeemed. However, the latest Juniper Research report predicts that by 2016 more than 90M Americans will have redeemed at least one digital coupon, and 45% of mobile device users will use mobile coupons. Is the mobile coupon explosion real?  Yes, and this time it is for good. There are several underlying reasons for this related to these silent but profound changes that are reshaping the way consumers…

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Turn Mobile Customer Engagement Into a Long-Term Relationship

by maryann

On any given day, take a look around and you’ll see people staring at their smartphones. The question is: Are they truly engaged, or just flirting with images and information?  And, even if they are engaged, what is the value of their engagements? For brands and retailers, these can be million dollar questions. With the ScanLife app, an engagement is no accident. Engagement is action. It’s when a customer makes a move, such as choosing a product, asking a question, launching an app or…

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Mobile Engagement Trend Report: Holiday Shopping Edition 2014

by Erick Solis

The holiday 2014 edition of the Mobile Engagement Trend Report is finally here! This report offers insights on consumer shopping behavior while highlighting significant activity in high-tech and retail. We gathered data from the holiday season that vividly depicts the yearly growth of holiday mobile engagement. Consumers worldwide accessed bargains, product reviews, and other valuable information at record rates by scanning QR Codes, UPC, or engaging with other personalized offers.  Key…

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Tipping Point: Desktop to Mobile

by Chatay Sayin

It finally happened. The tipping point for Internet usage shifted from desktop to mobile in 2014 for the first time in US history. More than half of Internet traffic for giants like Facebook, Google, ESPN and many more came from mobile devices. This trend is bound to continue with the adaptation and accessibility of mobile devices. With the average consumer’s attention shifting from desktop to mobile, advertisers have to recalibrate their marketing strategies to not just include a mobile…

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Recent News

Kezzler Expands Industry Leadership with Acquisition of Scanbuy

Neutronian Announces That Scanbuy Has Earned Its Data Quality Certification

Neutronian launches Data Privacy Scoring of over 3,000 publishers, brands, ad platforms, retailers, and data providers


Learn about Scanbuy's passion for consumer engagement

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